30 July 2010

Our First Egg!

We have our first egg! We are so proud of our girls - or at least one of them.

JD collected it on Wednesday. On Thursday, we had our second - woot!

And by the way that girl is hollering out in the henhouse, there will be a third today.

We're on our way now! Only 1198 eggs to go and we'll break even on our set up costs. (We realize this may take some time....)


  1. Congratulations! I found your blog after googling homestead blogs oregon. By the time you read this you may only have 1197 eggs to go before breaking even... very funny.

    I just wanted to say hello. I am looking forward to peeking around a bit more:)

  2. Thanks! And welcome Heather. Thanks for reading! Actually we got one more yesterday and two today - woot!


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